What Kind of Spender Are You?

By   |   Updated 13 Jun 2024

Have you ever wondered how your spending compares to other people’s? Does your addiction to shopping drive your husband mad, or have your friends ever joked about how you like to hold on to your money? Everybody is different when it comes to money, but broadly speaking, our habitual patterns tend to align with a certain profile.

In this infographic, which follows on from our earlier research into the attitudes of Australian consumers towards spending, saving and investing their money, we break down the psychology of spending into 10 broad groups. I’d be very surprised if you don’t find yourself in at least one of them!

This infographic was first published by Credit Card Compare in 2012.

What kind of spender are you? An infrographic by Credit Card Compare.
What kind of spender are you? An infrographic by Credit Card Compare.

1. The hipster

  • Instagrams everything in sight. There’s nothing that can’t be ‘instafied’. Nothing! Then ‘pins’ it to their board.
  • Congregates in groups most commonly in coffee shops, vintage and second hand stores.
  • Likes a bargain just as much as your gran. Especially if vintage or bohemian in design.
  • Diametrically opposed to big brands. Unless it’s Apple. Or Facebook. Or any other currently in vogue.

2. The online shopper

  • A true child of the internet age.
  • Constantly connected, suffers from involuntary twitch when offline longer than 2 hours.
  • Smartphones are awesome. Now you have an easy way around the office internet filter.

3. The haggler

  • Knows how to haggle like a pro.
  • Thinks he lives in a third world country.
  • Even a $1 discount is worth falling out over.
  • Plans the week around garage sales.

4. The spendthrift

  • Default reaction to newly released shiny product they don’t need: buy.
  • Still spending like the credit crunch never happened.
  • Able to rationalise even the most incongruous of purchases.
  • The price tags are still on most of the clothes in their wardrobe.

5. The group buyer

  • You thought your inbox was full? You have nothing on this!
  • Won’t buy anything unless 150 other people are in the deal.
  • Doesn’t buy unless it’s discounted more than 50%.
  • The most preened and massaged person you’ll ever meet.

6. The coupon clipper

  • Organised. Disciplined. Always on the lookout for a bargain.
  • Can’t throw a newspaper in the bin without cutting it up first.
  • Keeps shoeboxes and fills them with coupons.
  • Fridge door looks like a coupon clipper’s scrapbook.

7. The full price shopper

  • Knows the real meaning of value. Because expensive things last longer.
  • Buys branded goods. Denies being a walking advertising billboard.
  • Often wears sunglasses even when not required. Just like they do in The Matrix.

8. The dinosaur

  • Hasn’t got a clue how to use computers or the internet. And never will.
  • Has been shopping at the same store for years. Loyal. They mean well.
  • Knows the sales assistant by name, which they think entitles them to discount.
  • Changes their shopping habits as quickly as a supertanker, i.e. slowly.

9. The sticky-fingered bandit

  • A.k.a the thief, shoplifter. Found lurking outside peripheral vision of shop staff.
  • Typical garb includes: hoodie; tracksuit pants; gloves.
  • Prefers to trial a product for free rather than buying.
  • Often spends prolonged spells in youth correction.

10. The passive avoidance shopper

  • Settles for whatever they find first. Salesmen are all the same–pushy.
  • Answers ‘no’ when asked if they need help. Wants to be left alone.
  • Never complains even if they hate the product.
  • Finds no joy in shopping. Unless they find a lower price elsewhere.

Bonus: the guy who never shops

  • Hardly. Ever. Shops.
  • Some would say he has a capsule wardrobe.
  • Not fashionable, but not unfashionable either.
  • Would rather have money than spend it. Especially on clothes.